How Onfido got more enterprise clients to book product demos

By leveraging Userled, Onfido tailored landing pages to highlight specific features, increasing their demo booking rate for entreprise accounts.


Security Software





Onfido is a global leader in automated digital identity verification, ensuring the ease of accessibility to digital services from opening up a new bank account to renting a car whilst maintaining a secure and trusted environment for all parties involved.

Digital security is an important tool in business, but may be difficult to approach for companies with different pain points: services which will resonate with online banks may not work for insurers or transportation companies. With Userled, Onfido can help guide their customers’ experiences to the messaging that resonates with each vertical helping their sales team book more demos.

Increased demo booking rate by 120% by tailoring landing pages to entreprise accounts.

Stephanie Beasley
Global Marketing


With a technology that is applied differently across different businesses, Onfido needed to personalise experience to answer each of their clients’ pain points as well as deploying social proof from other clients in similar industries. They found that getting their client in front of a demo helped them close leads, but the current landing page wasn’t personalised enough to the different industries their clients represented.

The lack of personalisation meant that not every client in their pipeline went to book a demo. Onfido wanted to create personalised experience for their different verticals, as well as more tailored experiences for their top accounts to ensure everyone they spoke to booked a demo.

The team faced the following challenges:
  • Ensuring the enterprise accounts sees the benefits of Onfido for their business
  • Being able to choose what accounts to targets between 1:1 and 1:a few experiences
  • How to make the customer journey to the demo booking clear enough?


Fully personalised landing page and assets generated by Userled to promote the demo booking goal

  • Onfido could choose which page the targeted clients landed on to maximise success rate
  • the personalisation occurs at a 1:1 rate for known accounts, directly synched from their preferred CRM channel
  • Userled personalised 1:many campaigns using CRM, UTMs and CSVs to ensure the demo booking campaigns reaches the widest audiences set by Onfido


Clarified the CTAs on the personalised landing page

  • Removed the self serve CTA to ensure the goal is only to book the demo
  • Changed the Trial CTA to another demo booking button to reinforce the message

  • The generated assets for outreach campaigns are linked to this personalised page so the CTAs remains aligned in all messaging and assets, enabling the SDR team to drive the demo booking conversion
  • Analytics dashboard focused on capturing the click-rate and visibility on engagement so the team can monitor and act when it matters

The Results


increase in demo bookings


SDR efficiency

Shortened the customer journey for an increased click-rate: the CTAs only call for a demo booking. This experience led to increased lead conversion and pipeline generation, all by focusing on one aspect of the outreach process.